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Friday, August 2, 2013

So, My PS3 Is Broken: Red Ligths Are a Flashing

Goodbye, for now. 

40GB PlayStation 3
My long time ( 40GB model) PS3

 I turned on my long-time "partner", in my 40GB PS3, and tonight it just could not go on. I am a bit sad, if not for the more than five year investment in the machine, then for the countless pieces of add-ons and games that I compiled. Now, I can totally understand those saying big deal, but I have a lot to re-download and a lot of memories to reminisce on. Right now, honestly, I don't even feel like getting another PS3, five years is a long time to build an irrational sense of attachment to the center of your hobby, I know. My PS3 has weathered the hottest temperatures in the most scorching summers. Taken on and beat the coldest winter storms. Been there to comfort and care for my sanity and boredom. It was one of the first expenditures to which I committed funds from my part-time job when I was in high-school. Lets see where this goes as I am currently trying to resuscitate my old PS3, but after trying several appears that it has officially checked out. Alas, it was a great run. Filled with the experiences of God of War 3, Uncharted 2, Grand Theft Auto 4, Red Dead Redemption, Overlord 1-2, XCOM, Borderlands, Infamous1-2, Madden and Fifa, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Oblivion, Skyrim, Demons Souls, BioShock 1-2, Assassin's Creed, Metal Gear Solid 4, Journey (every-single one), and more. 

I remember picking up Madden, and then shortly there after GTAIV. GTAIV was my first true experience of the capabilities of the next-gen hardware-- and, to me, it was glorious. So here we are, right around five years and four months later, and my PS3 is flashing red, flashing red, flashing red and gone, signing off to the tune of five years, four months, as it can no longer go on. At this point, when I get a new PS3 is up in the air. I want to attempt to revive my ol'PS3, just long enough to transfer and back-up data, and to deactivate it. How have you reacted to the sudden crash and burn of your favorite console? Yeah, there are way worst things than a console dying, trust me, I know and understand that. Nonetheless Its an interesting situation. I mean wouldn't a faithful piece of equipment draw a shred of emotion from the owner when they have poured a large amount of time into it and centered it around there projects/hobbies/etc.. What ever side you take, just know that, I get it, and there is a hint of over-dramatization on my part--ok, a lot. But, compared to losing someone--some person--near and dear to your heart, losing a console, or any other device or object, for the most part, is Nothing At All. You can believe me when I say that, as I have experienced the loss of a very, very, powerfully close, member of my family. With that said, this blog--generally-- isn't here to bring you down (hopefully make you think sometimes), but I thought I'd shed the rays of reality on things, to put everything into perspective.

Thanks for reading. Any thoughts, concerns, etc. let me know. Stay tuned.

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