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Friday, May 23, 2014

Watch Dogs Twitch Stream Was Insightful

Watch live video from Ubisoft on TwitchTV

          Watch Dogs developers appeared on an hour or so long Twitch stream today and gave a ton of info, some old some new. What stood out was the vision, one that encapsulated density and player volition. There was a sense that the world no longer remained a static, unchanged thing.  The ability to traverse with an Assassin's Creed-like parkour while activating hacks in creative, emergent ways, altering the playing field seamlessly in your favor, is refreshing to me. Some may disagree, but the graphics, running on a PS4 at low res, still looked good. The weather effects and the lighting combine to give this digital depiction Chicago an assorted complexion.
 ---- Half some fun with it....If you just like blowing [stuff] up, it's cool...
          Creative director, Jonathan Morin, and lead game designer, Danny Bélanger gave some interesting insights into the creative/ design process. Chicago was in fact chosen, not solely for its hyper-surveillance, but also for its greater, if theoretical, likely-hood of adopting such a city-wide operating system as ctOS. The multiplayer, then, becomes an extension of the game world's connectivity, thus linking players asynchronously for one-vs-one hacking or in larger, more chaotic four-vs-four matchups, centered on decryption and/or free-roaming.  If you haven't already, take a look at Ubisoft's stream--skipping ahead to around 20-mins in will get you past the rehashed promo videos.

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